Work with me + my Media Kit

Work with me!

Thank you for your interest in working with In giro con Fluppa. This is a travel blog with a focus on DIY travel, city breaks, and road trips. My audience is 25-45 y.o. Italian speaking, whose main interests are travel, outdoor, transport, and accommodation.

How we can work together

  • sponsored blog posts and social media content
  • blog tour / press trip / media visits
  • hotels / restaurants / attractions reviews
  • link building
  • affiliate marketing

In giro con Fluppa's Media kit

Blog stats in a nutshell - November 2024-January 2025:

  • Page views: 66K
  • Avg Time on Page: 01:40
  • Zoom authority: 43
  • Domain authority: 13

Social media - February 2025:

Facebook: 1500 followers
Instagram: 2000 followers

I may not have the biggest fanbase in the travel market, but my numbers are real. That means I've never used bots, pods or bought followers for vanity metrics, my readers are real people who actually engage with my content (see engagement rate on my media kit, also check my IG account on
I also focus more on my blog posts because I strongly believe that a blog post brings a bigger and longer-lasting value compared to social content.


Please get in touch if you would like to discuss working together.

Facebook: ingiroconfluppa (fan page), Flavia Iarlori (personal profile)
Instagram: @in_giro_con_fluppa
Pinterest: @ingiroconfluppa

In giro con Fluppa partecipa a programmi di affiliazione. Ciò vuol dire che, se deciderai di prenotare un tour/alloggio del sito partner tramite il mio link, a me verrà riconosciuta una percentuale sulla vendita. In questo modo mi aiuterai a sostenere e mandare avanti il mio blog, senza alcuna spesa aggiuntiva per te.

In giro con Fluppa non si ritiene direttamente responsabile per eventuali acquisti eseguiti senza leggere le condizioni d’uso del provider di eventuali biglietti e/o prenotazioni online.