Hello and welcome to my travel blog!
I'm Flavia, born in 1984, living in London, and I'm truly addicted to travel. When I'm in a new place, hearing people speak an unknown language, tasting different foods, learning something new from a different culture, I feel simply alive, my soul shines! I usually prefer exotic and faraway destinations for this reason, but when that's not possible, even a quick weekend in a European capital is fine. We Europeans are so lucky that often just a two-hour flight is enough to be catapulted into a different culture.
Since 2021 I'm also a mum, and despite the difficulties, I keep travelling with and without my little girl. Family trips, solo trips, trips with friends, group trips. I've tried them all!
My blog
I started my blog in 2015 just for fun, but recently it turned into a real job, with about 35k visits a month and the beloved taxes to pay at the end of the financial year 😅
Here you'll find advices on how to organise your DIY trip, from what to do to where to sleep, what and where to eat, to tips on travel insurance, car hire, and so on.
My life in London links to a high percentage of blog posts about the UK. Despite this, I can't make a clear geographical niche: I love travelling the world too much to stop at one country! My blog posts are about mountains, islands, national parks, deserts, beaches, big cities, and small villages.
I like to describe my blog as a "box of emotions and information," which I capture as soon as possible after returning from a trip to avoid them fading away.
My target
My readers are curious and dynamic people who like to be inspired and explore new possibilities without sticking to pre-set tours. Friends, couples, or young families who love to learn about the place they're about to visit and possibly save on the budget by booking flights, accommodation, and activities themselves, thus customising their tour according to their tastes and needs. If you see yourself in this description, welcome to the club!
My values
I'm truly believe that travelling is a privilege, and with privilege comes great responsibility. These are the values I take with me when I travel, and that I hope to pass on to everyone:
- Environmental friendliness. It's imperative not to leave litter, not to remove sand, corals, and shells from beaches, to avoid single-use plastic by preferring reusable bottles and cloth bags.
- Support to local communities. Where possible, I buy from small entrepreneurs, preferring seasonal foods and local products.
- Respect for animals. I do not support people who exploit animals for mere economic gain: monkey trainers, snake charmers, and activities like taking photos with tigers, swimming with rays, riding elephants are absolutely banned from my blog.
I hope your stay here is pleasant and long lasting. I look forward to your feedback under each post, because without feedback, whether positive or negative, I can't grow!
Want to message me? You can find me here:
Email: flavia.iarlori@outlook.com
Facebook: ingiroconfluppa (fan page), Flavia Iarlori (profilo personale)
Instagram: @in_giro_con_fluppa
Pinterest: @ingiroconfluppa
Want to take a look at my blog and social media numbers? Here's my media kit!.
I wish you a good read!