Ciao! Sono Flavia, vivo a Londra e viaggio instancabilmente dal 2010. Travel blogger, mamma, moglie, dipendente full time: nulla di tutto ciò mi impedisce di partire ogni mese. Sono qui per ispirarti ed aiutarti ad organizzare il tuo viaggio fai da te, sfruttando al meglio il tuo budget e il tuo tempo. Se sei una persona curiosa e intraprendente che ama esplorare nuove destinazioni in modo indipendente, questo è il posto che fa per te.
Updated: December 2021
I started my blog years ago. I wrote several posts on the most diverse places, I wrote so many blog posts about my adoptive city, London, without ever - EVER - daring to write about my Naples.
Yes, never!
I've taken tons of pictures because the city is so beautiful that come on, how to resist? But then the words don't come out: Naples intimidates me! It's so rich, full of history, divisive, rough; it's been described through songs, movies, books. What else could I say? Nothing, I tell you what: nothing at all.
Naples is inestimable, the only approach I can have is by suggesting a beautiful walk around the historic centre. So I'm going to tell you how to visit Naples in one day, clarifying that one day is absolutely not enough to fully enjoy the city.