Ciao! Sono Flavia, vivo a Londra e viaggio instancabilmente dal 2010. Travel blogger, mamma, moglie, dipendente full time: nulla di tutto ciò mi impedisce di partire ogni mese. Sono qui per ispirarti ed aiutarti ad organizzare il tuo viaggio fai da te, sfruttando al meglio il tuo budget e il tuo tempo. Se sei una persona curiosa e intraprendente che ama esplorare nuove destinazioni in modo indipendente, questo è il posto che fa per te.
This story is about two guys who get a Law Degree in Italy. They start their careers as lawyers first in Naples, then in Rome.
They move together, they go travelling but they're unsatisfied about the ordinary life: the traffic jam, too many hours spent in the office, coming back home late. Also, they feel to be not part of the lawyers environment.
Guess what they do? They leave everything back and move to Australia! 😍
They apply for a working holiday Visa, spend some time in a farm: she cooks Italian food and helps the lambs to come into the world! Then they move to Melbourne, he works in an ice cream parlour and she is a waiter in a restaurant. In the meantime they explore the Gold Coast, do safaris in the Outback, enjoy the wind on the Great Ocean Road.
After a year they feel to come back home, but with a mission: to change their life. Australia lets their real desire out, which is working in the tourism industry. They end up in Pietrasanta by chance and they fell in love with it...
Now, imagine listening these charming stories relaxed on their terrace, drinking a coffee and surrounded by lemon plants and coffee tables. This is how Paolo and Paola welcomed us in their B&B, just as they welcome some friends at home!