Ciao! Sono Flavia, vivo a Londra e viaggio instancabilmente dal 2010. Travel blogger, mamma, moglie, dipendente full time: nulla di tutto ciò mi impedisce di partire ogni mese. Sono qui per ispirarti ed aiutarti ad organizzare il tuo viaggio fai da te, sfruttando al meglio il tuo budget e il tuo tempo. Se sei una persona curiosa e intraprendente che ama esplorare nuove destinazioni in modo indipendente, questo è il posto che fa per te.
Why should I visit Antigua and Barbuda?
Antigua ruined my life as a traveller.
I was one of those travellers who never go back to the same place twice because the world is too big and the time too little to be "wasted".
Instead, after having been to Antigua and Barbuda for the first time, I went a second time. And I'm planning to fly there for the third time.
Every time a seaside place catches my attention, in my head the competition starts: "Beautiful sea, but the one in Antigua..." "Nice beach, but the ones in Antigua...". A classic.
What's so special about this island?
I know you're wondering: "Why should I visit Antigua and Barbuda? Why should I embark on an intercontinental flight when I can find such a beautiful sea in Europe too?" In fact, it's not just for the sea.
The first reason that comes to mind, the most obvious one, would be: because travelling is good. Discovering new cultures, tasting new foods, and hearing other languages spoken. But it's not enough, and in this blog post I'll list the 10 reasons to visit Antigua and Barbuda at least once in your life.